Monday, April 26, 2010

Didn't get my planning, this time : (

Didn't get my planning this time : ( but going to go again mid May, waiting to hear what the reasons are for not getting it this time, something to do with "housing need" and "water treatment" all fun and games. So it will be another 3 months, end of August before I hear about my planning.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some of my many favourite designers and decorators
Axel Vervoordt, Lars Bolander ,Michael Smith, Timothy Corrigan
Jacques Garcia,Juan Pablo Molyneux, Nicky Haslam,Walda Pairon
John Stefanidis, John Saladino

Friday, April 23, 2010

Like both styles and colours for the snug/libary, in the dark and light style pics, there will be dbl doors into the kitchen where the pic is in the dark libary and a stove in the sung/libary as well.
The black door with glass is the style of the front door, half door style for the back door.

loving the windows.

The curve in with the kitchen.
Large open front door hall way double hall.
 the idea of the step up to the bath and teak finish
the style of the fireplace I have circled.

ideas and style of the hse


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

can't get the layout thing going on